jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010

Bienvenidos a Mexico! - Day One

Today Was the first day of "in- country " orientation at the Lutheran Retreat Centerin Cuernavaca , Mexico! The 2010-2011Young Adults in Global Mission ( Yagman ) just completed a week long general Held orientation Yagman Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago ( LSTC ) in Chicago , IL. At the general orientation Yagman we Engaged in worship , workshops, conversation , and exploration of spirituality , cultural connections, interfaith service, and Accompaniment . It Was a wonderful experience , Preparing for this journey with 42 Other Yagman tolong with the ELCA staff and Alum Yagman That lead the team orientation. Our Yesterday we all said goodbyes , wishes Godspeed Each Other , and Departed for Our country clubs of service. The team of seven Yagman Mexico in Cuernavaca Volunteers Arrived late last night after- 2 plans and a bus ride from Mexico City.

Orientation today was pretty basic , But Meaningful . We Had worship , check- ins, overview handbook , and a brief walking tour of the city Surrounding the retreat center. It 's going to sound corny , But dOur uring Each of These We Were ACTIVITIES buildingWithin our community group. During this next year we will all be living in different homes , working at Different placements , and Some of us are living in different cities. We will see for Each Other to monthly dinner , But Other Than That , we are living on Our own in this new culture. This community will be During an important support network Our year of service.

Being here in Mexico Acutally Feels Sosurreal. This hasBeen a lengthly process : putting in my Application early February, phone interviews in March, discernment event in Wisconsin During April, Leaving my amazing job at SC Lutheran Retreat Centers and moving out of my house early June, Attending Guatemala Spanish Language School in mid June - Mid August, visiting family in Delaware, and finally the Yagman Orientation August 18th . Now I am here , and it's finally happening - and I am ready to jump right in and get my hands dirty with the work That Is Before Me ... and it feels like this next week and a half of Mexico Orientation Yagman is just going to kill me ! But one of the things I am Through this learning experience is That You Do not Always have to " DO " Sometimes the most important thing is just to " BE " . A paradox for me , as a " doer "by nature ... But I'm learning patience to gain more and more and to live and enjoy the INSTEAD OF Always now what's next .

"Be still, and know That I am God. "